Thursday, January 14, 2010

8-bits of Processing Goodness

The last semester of my undergrad program in CSE is finally here! This semester I have a Senior Design course where students form their own groups and come up with an idea related to the curriculum and implement it. Now if only I had an idea of what to design...

I've been participating in autocross events for years and have always wished I could afford a data acquisition system like those you see used in Formula 1, Indy, Le Mans, and/or NASCAR. With a DAQ, I'd be able to see exactly what my car is doing at an event and use that information to help me drive the course faster on my next run. Hopefully.

That got me thinking. Surely I'm not the only amateur autocrosser wishing for an affordable data acquisition system made for the weekend warrior. In fact, LOTS of people across the nation, and across the globe would probably love such a system. I didn't know of any that existed on a college student budget, so I figured why not make one? It just so happens this senior design semester is the perfect time to get started. But where to begin?

I began looking at professional systems to see what they were doing so I could get an idea where to start. After looking at a few of the products out there, most of them seemed to be doing some sort of GPS tracking as well as logging all the sensor data the user needs (or can afford). I started looking into using a USB GPS plugged into a laptop and use software to track and log the position data so the user could review it later. In the midst of looking for a GPS, I discovered most of the professional units were boasting GPS units with 5-20Hz refresh rates, but the units I found were all 1Hz. Hmm, I know I want to go cheap, but it also needs to do it's job well. I had to find something better. I eventually stumbled upon a 10Hz GPS chip that sounded like it would do the trick, but how in the world was I going to get data off a lone circuit chip? I also want to use an accelerometer to measure precise movements of the car, but USB versions were expensive. Chip-only models were vastly cheaper, but how do I connect one to a computer? Time for some more research.

That's when I met the Arduino.

[caption id="attachment_78" align="aligncenter" width="300" caption="So many possibilities in such a tiny package."]Arduino Duemilanove[/caption]

I think the Nintendo was the last time I used an 8-bit processor, but I have a feeling I'm going to have so much more fun with this thing! Could your Nintendo convert an analog voltage into a 10-bit digital value? I didn't think so.

The Arduino Duemilanove is the latest board to come from the open hardware Arduino project. The beauty of Arduino is it's openess and ease of use. The design schematics are openly available; ready for people to adapt and improve, or to integrate directly into their own projects. The microcontrollers used also come pre-programmed with the Arduino bootloader which makes it a piece of cake to write some code, plug the board in via USB, click a button to upload the code and make it run. The Arduino drastically lowers the learning curve necessary to start using a microcontroller.

With my Arduino, the possibilities are endless. This little board has opened the door wide open to this project and should be able to handle everything a motorsport data acquisition system should need. Now it's time to fire this thing up and see what it can do! Stay tuned.


  1. Have you looked at Nerd Kits? They have some good info and stuff on there, and some decent videos.

    I have a couple projects I want to look into, on involves a uC and some RFID stuff. I just need to find some time to play with it!

    Btw, how come nobody can register and there is no preview for the comments?

  2. Hey Ben, yeah, your wife showed me a Nerd Kits project for pulling OBD data off a car. I'll probably be working off that project quite a bit when it comes time for it (I'm concerned with GPS and acceleration first, anything further is just icing). What uC/platform are you working with? I started looking into PIC stuff, but the learning curve was more than I felt like bothering with. Arduino/AVR was so much easier to dive into.

    No idea why you can't preview, maybe it's the theme I'm using. I never specifically disabled registration, I just don't require it since I hate having to register on blogs just to post comments.

  3. Funny story, definitely looking at a PIC uC.

    I mean right now all I care about is one in and one out. Code is really stupid simple from what I have seen. Chips are pretty cheap too. I can get one for about 1/4 of the cheapest Arduino. Not that there is anything wrong with those. The UAV project looks stupid cool actually.

    The no preview might be the theme. As far as the registration all you have to do is throw the meta block on the sidebar. I could probably just browse to the log-in/register url, but I am lazy.

  4. Well, at a comparable chip level, you can get an ATMega328p with the Arduino bootloader for $3-4. The full Arduino board just makes it simple to program and prototype with. Within minutes of receiving the board, I was already running code to blink LEDs. Once I get a stable prototype running, I intend to ditch the standard Arduino package and get my own PCB printed and use an SMD ATMega328 which should cut both cost and size of the hardware significantly.

    I threw the Meta widget up for you, I didn't realize people actually like to register for blogs :-P

  5. Yeah, I am sure it is 6 to one, half dozen to another. Probably should look at using an arduino board though. That way I could bounce stuff off you. Sometimes it is just easier to talk to somebody else doing it.

    I don't know how many do, but I like it. Also, you do have it disabled :)

    Getting PCBs printed ain't going to be cheap bud. Not unless you order like 1000 of them. How big of a board are you looking at? I'd consider making the template up and etching them yourself. That will be many times cheaper in the short term.

  6. Yep, they're fairly similar platforms, PIC being the older "tried and true" option, but there's a lot of community and buzz around AVR including (and possibly thanks to) the Arduino. The full bells and whistle Arduino boards usually over $30, but that's for quick and dirty prototyping. Less convenient options are available that drastically reduce the price if that's a concern for you.

    I never explicitly disabled it... I just unchecked the option to require logins to post comments. If you know how to enable both, let me know how (I'm pretty new to Wordpress) and I'll set it up.

    Custom PCB's aren't that expensive if you look in the right places. will do it for $2.50 per square inch but have a lengthy wait time. is $51 for three boards, and have a much faster turnaround. For a single prototype, that's not horrible.

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