Quite some time ago,
Felix Geisendörfer created a behavior for
CakePHP called `
Containable`, which has since been added to CakePHP's core. I read about it and it always looked pretty interesting, but I dropped out of the CakePHP realm for a few years while I was busy completing my CSE degree. But now I'm back, and I stumbled upon a need to sort related data from a HABTM relationship. My heart filled with dread as I contemplated the ways to do this, mostly with CakePHP trickery and slow performing SQL queries. But luckily, Containable came to the rescue! I found a
blog post that was extremely helpful, but it was written for the pagination helper, which I wasn't using. So below is the solution rewritten for regular find() calls to a model. Here's what my association looks like:
Event hasAndBelongsToMany Image
And I needed to make it so that when retrieving an event, the associated Image data was sorted by a specific field. Here's how to do that using Containable:
[php]public function myAction($order) {
'Image' => array(
'order' => $order
$event = $this->Event->find('first');
Well that was easy... hopefully I just saved you from a world of hurt.